The bug is claimed to be fixed, but persists in and
As far as I can tell Serial Over IP has not worked since firmware
We are using the client mode. With more recent firmwares, a connection is
established the remote host, but we see data like:
+QCSQ: “LTE”,58,-92,164,-14
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,77,-77,-12
+CGREG: 5,“1050”,“0EBA631”,2
And there is no two-way communication to the serial port.
Turning on and off the Serial Over IP configuration makes things work again,
but manual intervention is not possible for large-scale deployments.
The keepalive parameters appear ineffective and the Serial → Over IP even claims to be up even over a full TRB142 reboot. Restarting the mobile connection has no effect.
At least more recent firmwares appear to re-establish TCP client connections - it’s just that it’s no longer connected to the serial port.
Hi. I also have the same problem with a TRB145.
The problem may be that it is not available to do the redirection until it lifts the mobile connection.
My solution has been to add a line, almost at the end of the file /etc/hotplug.d/iface/89-gsm-event
if [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" ] && [ "$iface" -gt 0 ]; then
[ "$(echo "$UP_IFACES" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ] && {
UPTIME="$(get_uptime $INTERFACE)"
for i in $UP_IFACES; do
[ "$INTERFACE" = "$i" ] && continue
# Skip logging if its not the first connected iface
[ "$(get_uptime $i)" -gt "$UPTIME" ] && return 0
mdm_ubus_obj="$(find_mdm_ubus_obj "$MODEM")"
log "Mobile Data" "Mobile data connected ($MODEM_TYPE modem)"
log "Network Type" "Joined $CONTYPE network ($MODEM_TYPE modem)"
log "Network Operator" "Connected to $OPERATOR operator ($MODEM_TYPE modem)"
/etc/init.d/rs_overip restart <------------- THIS LINE
elif [ "$ACTION" = "ifdown" ] && [ "$UP_IFACES" = "" ]; then
log "Mobile Data" "Mobile data disconnected ($MODEM_TYPE modem)"