Hi, in the latest FW update (RUT9_R_00.07.06.14) there is mentioned this fix: “Mobile: fixed mobile data limit to calculate used limits from correct starting point after network restart”. Is this related to those issues: Inconsistencies in reported data usage and RTUX50 - Data "received value" is jumping backward from time to time? If it is, I can still see drops in reported data amount on my RUT955 multiple times per day. Thank you in advanced for clarification.
Hi, any new info regard this? From what I can tell, it’s different thing and if not, the fix did not work at all. Some clarification from Teltonika would be nice. Thank you.
Hi mbabic,
How about in Status → Real Time Data → Mobile usage, is it also showing inconsistencies in mobile data? Kindly share the screenshot as well.
Hi, there is different type of chart which shows totals per hour, day, so, it’s not able to show this kind of problem. I’m getting data from Teltonika Networks Web API endpoint which should return total amount of transfered data for upload and download. But right now, it jumps back and forth multiple times per day which makes it unusable.
Here you can see difference between what values are reported by “ifconfig” command on WAN interface and what values are reported by “modems status” endpoint:
It basically subtract some value every hour or so, but then, it adds back what was subtracted in some prevoius interval.
Here you can see, data usage is pretty much steady, but there is a drop, which is then, after some time, added back. Blue line represents how it should look like.
Thank you.
Hi, after last automatic reboot of device, values reported by API endpoint are not usable at all
Top chart shows values reported by “ifconfig” command on WAN interface. Bottom chart represent values reported by API.
Thank you.
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