Win911 to RUT241 as a SMS Modem Using Telnet


Experiencing the same issue as posted here: RUT240 as a SMS Gateway trough Telnet

Going through System/Maintenance/Troubleshoot and Modem debug I can enter AT+CSCS=“UCS2” and it changes the TE character set.

However using Putty and connecting via SSH or Telnet and trying to use the same command (gsmctl -A AT+CSCS=“any option”) it returns an ERROR.

Note: Telnet/SSH etc are enabled via System/Administration/Access Control and latest firmware installed.

Why is there an error via this method?

Win911 state these commands need to be supported for their software to work:


Hi, you should escape command with ’ if there qoutes in it, for example:

gsmctl -A ‘AT+CSCS=“any option”’

For clarity, the “any option” is either “GSM” or “IRA” or “UCS2”

@iBoucher so the command (via Putty using Telnet) gsmctl - A ‘AT+CSCS=“UCS2”’ works, thank you. I now need away to either add the ’ ’ condition to the Win911 end or disable it from the RUT end…

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