TSW202 - PoE wont switch off from CLI/SSH


I noted this thread for controlling the POE from CLI/SSH

When I attempted the command, I initially got an error

admin@TSW202:~$ uci set tswconfig.port1.poe_enable=‘0’
uci: I/O error

I logged in as “root” and the command was accepted without error but the POE on the port did not go off.

root@TSW202:~# uci set tswconfig.port1.poe_enable=‘0’
root@TSW202:~# uci set tswconfig.port4.poe_enable=‘0’

the uci show status indicates that the value was set to “0” on the ports that had the command run.

root@TSW202:~# uci show tswconfig.port1.poe_enable
root@TSW202:~# uci show tswconfig.port4.poe_enable
root@TSW202:~# uci show tswconfig.port2.poe_enable
uci: Entry not found

Why is the POE not switching off

Probably because poe configuration was moved from /etc/config/tswconfig to /etc/config/poe

Hello HRTX
thankyou for the quick reply
I also tried
uci set poe.port1.poe_enable=‘0’

This did not switch off the POE on Port1 but I did notice that it toggled the POE radio button on the GUI for port 1


uci set poe.port1.poe_enable=‘0’ && uci commit && reload_config

Ok will try that when next in the lab
many thanks

Hi hrtx

The command
uci set poe.port1.poe_enable=‘0’ && uci commit && reload_config
worked to turn off the POE on the required port but I was unable to turn POE back on using the same script even though the get command indicated it was set back to 1

root@aucct-aqt-esw-l01:~# uci set poe.port1.poe_enable=‘0’ && uci commit && reload_config
root@aucct-aqt-esw-l01:~# uci get poe.port1.poe_enable
root@aucct-aqt-esw-l01:~# uci set poe.port1.poe_enable=‘1’ && uci commit && reload_config
root@aucct-aqt-esw-l01:~# uci get poe.port1.poe_enable

Hi rlibrizzi,

Can you try this commands to turn PoE off/on?

Turning Off PoE
uci set poe.port1.poe_enable='0' && uci commit poe && reload_config

Turning On PoE
uci set poe.port1.poe_enable='1' && uci commit poe && reload_config

The only difference is that we are saving the ‘poe’ instance using uci commit command.

Let me know if this helps.


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