TRB500 performance problem

I have a TRB500 and I can’t get it to perform well.

Straight after boot I get ~970Mbits download, after a few days I only get ~200Mbits.

I have the lastest firmware installed.I have also tried to update the modem firmware described in this post:

But that failed.
Unsuccessful upload
An unexpected error occurred

I have also noticed that Network type switched between 4G+ (LTE-A) and 5G (NSA) quite frequently, like every minute or more.

I live in Sweden and have “3” as operator.

Please help.


When the issue occurs, could you try disconnecting all of the connected devices and check if the speed remains capped with only your PC connected?
If the speed is still limited, would it be possible to connect the TRB directly to your PC, reboot the TRB, and check if the speed still drops after a few hours?

Best regards,


you have the same problem as this user here is the link to the subject if you are interested

To correct the problem, you must update your TRB500 to Firmware RG501QEUAAR12A10M4G_04.200.04.200 which includes the patch,

unfortunately the only version I have is an unofficial version that was scraped from the TRB500’s internet memory in raw format and which then had to be modified to match the TRB500 update format,

I cannot provide it to you since it is an unofficial firmware and which may result in the loss of the warranty of your TRB500

unfortunately in some countries the fix does not work the perfect example in France where I currently reside and the firmware RG501QEUAAR12A10M4G_04.200.04.200 does not solve the problem,

while waiting to get a response from Teltonika support I am helping users who have the same problem,

Best regards,

By the looks of it, you have the same issue as I had. This is a known firmware bug. The 12A10 modem update from Quectel is supposed to fix it.
Please find my contact info in the topic linked above if you want it.
Please be advised that this is not an official update. Only use it if you are willing to take the risk. For me, it seems to work, but as Tad noted, it does not work for everyone.

Hello Postas,

I’m glad to see you again on the Teltonika forums.

I have also made the modifications to respect your choice not to directly publish the firmware RG501QEUAAR12A10M4G_04.200.04.200 and to leave users interested in contacting you directly,

For my part, I hope to soon have a response from Teltonika support with firmware that fixes the bug for the latest countries

Best regards,

Thank you for understanding.
Let me know how if you get a more official solution.



I will let you know when Teltonika support provides me with the firmware with the entire bug correction, but I think it will take a lot of time since he was not aware that the bug was not fixed 100% so the time for Quectel to provide Teltonika one new firmware risk of duration certain period of time

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Hello @postas @Tad ,

We believe we may have a fix for this issue.
If you would like to receive a test firmware and provide some feedback, please reply to this comment and I will send you a form to fill out to get in touch with us privately. Thanks!

Best regards,

Hello @Daumantas,

Could you confirm for me if it is the following firmware: “344474_TRB500_T_R77_00.07.06.1988_WEBUI” if this is the case.
The firmware does not solve the problem the only thing that changes compared to other firmware is the reduction in flow which occurs immediately.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Hello @Daumantas,

I would like to receive the test firmware.
Although the one I’ve put together seems to work, I would prefer a more official solution.

Thank you in advance.

@Tad it is the same firmware. Are you in contact with us on Helpdesk? If so, please provide the feedback there and it will be relayed to the developers.

@postas I have sent you a form to fill out. Please use 3743 as the ticket ID. Thank you.

Thank you for your quick response. I’ve filled out the form and received your e-mail, but without any files attached.

Hello @Daumantas ,

I am currently in contact with my seller who acts as an intermediary with Teltonika, I do not know if he goes through Helpdesk, the only thing I know is that he has no difficulty communicating with the RnD team.

But in case I will also post here any comments I might have on the next firmware which will contain the fix.

Best regards.

@postas If you’re interested I can send you the firmware privately.

@Daumantas Update,

I just noticed two new changes since I got this firmware,

1: no need to restart the TRB500 every 24 hours to prevent the flow rate from falling to 0Mbits

2: I connected new equipment and strangely it does not have the speed limited to 200Mbits, it obtains the maximum speed of 980Mbits, but on the other hand on my PC when I do a speed test it is always limited to 200Mbits and the TRB500 CPU is running at 100% during the throughput test.

So I renewed the IP address of my PC but nothing changes, namely that the new equipment is a Netgear router.

So if you have any ideas on the problem I’m interested.

But I am already very happy that this firmware can half fix the bug, I can at least enjoy wifi without limitation.

Best regards.

Hello @Tad ,

Could you clarify the topology here? The PC is the only device directly connected to the TRB500 in NAT mode?
When Netgear is connected the TRB500 is also operating in NAT mode?

Thank you for your feedback so far!

Hello @Daumantas ,

Here is my network topology: TRB500 → switch 24 ports 1Gb/s → the rest of my devices example PC, router, …

my router also uses the NAT mode of the TRB500.

yes too, I only use category 8 ethernet cable and if I say no nonsense the longest of them must measure no more than 10m.


I have just performed a hundred speedtests on my PC and my Netgear router, here is what I notice.

  1. on my PC nothing changes I am still stuck at 200 Mbits and the TRB500 CPU is still running at 100%.

  2. On the other hand on the Netgear router I am once sure 5 restricted to 200Mbits with always the CPU of the TRB500 at 100%, randomly the CPU decides to drop to 0% and at this moment I can again benefit from the maximum flow.