[TRB500: High speed in NAT-Mode but slower speed on passthrough-mode and bridge-mode. - Progress

This is a reply to my old post from 27 Feb 2024
# TRB500: High speed in NAT-Mode but slower speed on passthrough-mode and bridge-mode. Repost

I wounder if there is any progress in my issue? Do we have a time line when this bug will be fixed?
@Daumantas @AndzejJ

I am about to buy 10+ 5G modems the upcomming months for various installations and this is a dealbreaker if i am going for for TRB500 or if i shall be looking elsewhere.

For the record: I have tried TRB500_R_00.07.07 but no changes in behavior since my last try with TRB500_R_00.07.06.3.

Thanks in advance!

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Ping @Daumantas @AndzejJ again before topic is auto closed…

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