TRB140 no boot, blinking signal LEDs

Hello, I got a very similar issue to TRB 140 recovery but all the necesary files are not availible. My TRB140 blinks in sync on all signal strength LEDs but does not boot and does not light up on the ethernet port. Looks to be in fastboot mode but I cannot flash the necessary files since they are gone. Is there a way to access these?


You can find newer Fastboot images here: TRB140 Recovery (images) - #5 by Marijus

Kind regards,



Erased boot a/b, rootfs a/b, flashed the kernel and rootfs according to instructions,

Now only the 2/3/4g LEDs blink and neither the ethernet or USB port works

And no, its not 500ms (wrong PIN / no SIM). They blink ones every second


Could you clarify the product code for us?
2024-04-04-10-58-42-TRB140 Product Labels - Teltonika Networks Wiki — Mozilla Firefox

Kind regards,



its a TRB140003000


As I suspected, we won’t be able to recover this device remotely using fastboot or any other method. Please contact your reseller and initiate the RMA process.

Kind regards,



I bought this modem second hand and I have talked to the seller. He is willing to issue a refund and I send him the product back.

But I wonder if there is any way I could go through teltonika directly and get a RMA? I do not have a login for the helpdesk.

Kinds regards


I’m sorry to inform you, but if you bought the device from a specific reseller, you should communicate with them as they are responsible for handling inquiries about this device.

Regarding the RMA process, we typically send you a new device. Therefore, in this case, you can simply use your refund to purchase a new TRB140.

Kind regards,


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