TLS problem (WebGUI)

Problem with TLS (WebGUI) .
Access to the Web GUI administration panel via HTTPS protocol.

Generating a RootCA certificate + key, and a server certificate with key for the local DNS domain, the certificates are generated correctly.

Going to the Administration / Access Control section, in the settings for the HTTPS protocol, when trying to save, the message “Failed to edit configuration” appears, and in the device logs “?:0: attempt to index a nil value”

Device : Teltonika Networks TCR 100
Firmware ver. : TCR1_R_00.07.10.2
Firmware build date : 2024-10-30 12:45:19
Kernel version : 5.4.282


Could you please specify how the certificates are being generated?

I attempted to replicate your issue by navigating to System → Administration → Certificates and generating certificates. After generating them, I selected these certificates in Access Control, HTTPS settings and applied the same configurations shown in your screenshot. Everything was saved successfully, so I was unable to replicate the issue.

Best regards,

Generates CA certificate and key (RSA 4096)

Upload Root CA

Generates server certificate and key (RSA 4096) and signs with CA private key

Certificates manager tab

Access Control → HTTPS

Maintenance → Events Log


Thank you for providing your configurations. I have forwarded this information to our development team and will inform you as soon as I receive any feedback from them regarding this issue.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,

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