Problem with TLS (WebGUI) .
Access to the Web GUI administration panel via HTTPS protocol.
Generating a RootCA certificate + key, and a server certificate with key for the local DNS domain, the certificates are generated correctly.
Going to the Administration / Access Control section, in the settings for the HTTPS protocol, when trying to save, the message “Failed to edit configuration” appears, and in the device logs “?:0: attempt to index a nil value”
Device : Teltonika Networks TCR 100
Firmware ver. : TCR1_R_00.07.10.2
Firmware build date : 2024-10-30 12:45:19
Kernel version : 5.4.282
Could you please specify how the certificates are being generated?
I attempted to replicate your issue by navigating to System → Administration → Certificates and generating certificates. After generating them, I selected these certificates in Access Control, HTTPS settings and applied the same configurations shown in your screenshot. Everything was saved successfully, so I was unable to replicate the issue.
Thank you for providing your configurations. I have forwarded this information to our development team and will inform you as soon as I receive any feedback from them regarding this issue.