Ssh remote rut240

I want to see the configuration in RUT240 via SSH, because i have disabled Remote Https access, but i have no idea. Actually, i want to see which is lan ip and to change it. Also, i want to enable remote https access


I just had this similar query, you can reach it from here: How can I activate web access using cli command

Please check and let me know if it helps.


When i enter the cmd by putty

then i have to write ssh “ip” to gain acces?


You should go to the configuration file via below command.
cat /etc/config/uhttpd
And you need to edit below lines on the uhttpd main with this command : vi /etc/config/uhttpd

option _httpWanAccess '1'
option _httpsWanAccess '1'

option enable_http '1'
option enable_https '1'

After it’s done press esc and type :wq to save.

And you should be able to reach the WebUI again.

Please try and let me know about the result.


Ok, i will try it, but i ask if i have to enter ssh “ip” in cmd or it isnt needed?


No it’s not necessary.
You can reach the device with 3rd party tools, such as PuTTy. It’s totally up to you.


Yes with putty i Enter but when i am in cmd, look i enter ssh and ip. If i dont enter this command, then i am not in rut240 remotely?

I have entered the command, but i cannot edit it

When you’re in the file with vi /etc/config/uhttpd
then type i (for insert)

Basic vi commands see here:

Basics of Linux Vi Editor - Plesk

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