I am using the “Over IP” feature, which is found in the services menu on the TRB145.
We created an application that acts as a server to receive data sent by the TRB145 (which is configured as a client in Over IP).
My question is: After establishing a connection with the data from my server application, will the data be automatically sent by the TRB145 or do I need to request the data from the TRB145 in my application since I know the IP and port of the connection opened by the router?
It depends on what you configured on TRB145. If you have configured Data to Server, interval is part of the options. This means that it will send the data periodically. Then, after configuring Serial over IP, your application will automatically receive the data.
I am using the Over IP feature, configured in the client option and TCP mode. I have already set the URL of my application and I am not receiving any data.
I used the Hércules software to test my application and it works normally, but when I configure the application address and port on the TRB145, I am not receiving any data.
Is there a repository with sample source code for applications (in any programming language) connecting to the TRB145 via OverIP over TCP?