RUTX50 No 5G / Slow WiFi

My issue is similar to: RUTX50 slow 5G Performance

Th reality is almost the same. The £400+ RUTX50 performs worse that my £145 Moto G73 5G phone at the same location on the same network, which does get a 5G 365Mbps speed.

Yes I’ve swapped sims etc.
The RUTX50 is using a Poynting external 5G antenna.
I’ve never had 5G (5g/4g/3g is selected in settings).
Even the 4g signal is poor for a router that in it’s fantasy advertising can achieve 3.3Mpbs.
I get similar speeds as tomfast1 in their post 1-45Mbs.
I’ve trawled the internet looking for solutions, I’ve borrowed various friends routers that all perform much better than the RUTX50 when just dropped in as a replacement (same network / sim etc)

There just shouldn’t be this much effort required to get a router at this price point to work.

Is there anything else I can do to try and get what I paid for?

have you tried RUTX50 with standard antennas in the same exact place where phone test was done? Do you see difference in signal/speed with standard antennas and Poynting antenna?
Do you have 5G icon on your phone with same SIM card?
Do you see 5G led lit or icon in WebUI on router?

HI @Simonas, with the standard antennas the RUTX50 has even poorer reception, where the connection will become intermittent. The phone tests are performed right next to the RUTX50.
Yes I will get 5G on my phone with the same sim as I pointed out in my original post.
There is never any indication of 5G connection on th RUTX50.
The point remains the RUTX50 in it’s price range and as a 5G device should not required this much princess attention to achieve the performance that can be obtained from a mobile phone at 1/3 of the cost, using its own internal antenna’s.
As an update a friend is coming over this weekend with a cheap Linable 5G router they swear by. We’ll see how it goes.

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