I have an external antenna with 2 cables to my RUTX50, connecting a split cable on both 1-2, to use all 4 ports on X50, will this increase speed, more stable connection?
If you have any kind of connectivity using the original antenna’s I would suggest trying connecting those to the router simultaneously with the external antenna’s and checking if it helps. Splitting an antenna, I don’t think that would help…
Thanks, i use 2 external and 2 rabbit ears at the moment,it works but using all 4 connectors to the external antenna on my mobilhome,could it be better to get it outside the mobile.
Antenna with 2 cables depends on 4G or 5G signal, am not a fan of splitting an antenna. Have you seen the following discussion?
EDIT: At least two antennas must be connected to the RUTX50, to the SMA connectors ANT0 and ANT1. It is irrelevant whether they are 4G or 5G antennas, it is important that they support frequencies from 700 MHz to 3600 MHz
@Hasse Connect only to the first two left SMA connectors, this is the correct way to connect if you only have two cables
@tirkiz Then did you read your own response in my link above?
Yes, but that’s an outdated answer.
I have been using RUTX50 for almost two years on two antennas and in the newer modem FW only works on the first two SMA connectors. On that link, I wrote that two cables work on any 4 SMA ports, which is wrong, for example, if you connect two cables to ANT2 and ANT3, there will be no signal, two antennas/cables must be connected to ANT0 and ANT1. That’s why I wrote a correction here because I can’t edit a closed topic and people will get the wrong answer.
In more recent topics (e.g. RUTX50 MiMo 2x2 Antenna - #4 by tirkiz) I also wrote about the problem when two antennas are connected, and this has since been fixed with a newer modem FW.
So in short, i should connect my antenna to the 2 left connectors, any use to connect rabbitears to the 2 right?
I split 1-2 would not improve anything?
I have now tested ant0/1 and and 0/3, there is no differense in signal strength and speed on these two connections, connected to 5G
Use the rabbitears on any unconnected SMA ports.
What kind of external antenna are you connecting, which brand and model?
It is important whether it is a directional antenna or an omni antenna (rabbitears) and what kind of gain it has
If you have only two antennas, connect to only the first two SMA ports, leave the other two empty.
If you mix external antennas with higher gain with those omnis from Teltonika, the modem does not measure the signal correctly because one pair of antennas gives it one level of signal and the other pair of antennas another level of signal. So don’t mix different antennas.
The most important thing for you is to have antennas with the strongest possible amplification to get a strong signal, and this will lead to better speeds.
If they are directional antennas, then the distance between them is also important, I explained that in one post where a man got crazy speeds after correct antenna adjustment.
Hey, BTW, I am using the teltonika 5G antenna , REF: PR1KC640 (available on amazon),
These are much less expensive than the pointiong antennas and it works absolutely great over here (500Mbps+ on 5G)
The antenna i have is a roof mounted Poynting Puck-5-V1 omnidirectional, connected to the 2 left ports.
Change to an antenna with 4LTE, how much difference will it make, is that better if only running on 3G/4G?
Is it worth the money
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