RUTX12 in Canada

We are looking to buy a RUTX12 in Canada but it seems the NA version is still not available?
I saw an European website selling it out of Germany:

According to another post:

You mention that you don’t have NA certification yet. Do you have it now? If not, when do you expect to get it? 2024, 2025, …?
If you don’t have the certification, is the model I found in Europe really a NA version as they claim?
We are really looking to do connection bonding with 2 LTE, any other model that would work?


RUTX12 is not certified for use in the North American region and there are no plans to certify it in the near future.

The North American reference in the linked product is misleading. Although it indicates the router with the version of EG06 modem that is certified for use in the US/Canada, the RUTX12 with that particular modem inside as a single unit is not.

Currently, Teltonika Networks’ portfolio does not have a dual-modem offering for North America.

In addition, I would like to clarify the meaning of the ‘bonding’ that you have mentioned in the context of RUTX12.

Although RUTX12 allows establishing two simultaneous mobile connections, it does not increase the throughput of a single connection, because any single connection is still routed through one of the carriers/mobile links.

But because of the presence of the second carrier, the router has additional resources to support more connections to the outside networks.

This distinction is explained in more detail in the following article: LTE Bonding vs Load Balancing - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Implementing true bonding requires the inclusion of third parties. You can read more about a particular solution here: Bondix by SIMA - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Best regards,

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