RUT955 Not Allowing Some TV Apps To Connect

My RUT955 router is not allowing certain Apps on my TV to connect. I have hot spotted my TV to my phone and all the Apps on the TV work ok. I have removed the SIM Card from the router and put it in my phone and hot spotted to the TV and all the apps work ok. I have updated to the latest firmware RUT_R_00.07.06.15 but I still have the same issue. I have done factory reset using the button on the router and using the console screen. The only settings on the firewall are the default ones that come with the firmware. In the setup the only thing I have enabled is the time and date, everything else is set to default. The router is in my motorhome and the issue has only occured after a 3 month trip around Europe, whilest there I had no issues but since returning to the UK I have had this issue. Help

to connect where and to what?

I have a UK SIM Card in the router and a 12v TV in the Motorhome which connects the TV via wifi to the router. I have a number of apps on the TV like BBC iPlayer that I watch when I’m away. Some of the apps still work like Amazon Prime and Discovery +, but things like Netflix and iPlayer don’t work through the router.


I did a little search and found a few possible solutions:

In WebUI navigate to Network > LAN and Edit your LAN interface.

In DHCP section select “Advanced Settings” tab and click edit on Custom DHCP options

Click Add to create new DHCP options, set the Option code to DNS and after adding all required DNS addresses, click Save.

2 x Save & Apply

Now navigate to Network > WAN and Edit the mob1s1a1 interface,

Open the Advanced Settings tab, add the same DNS addresses from before, and change the Override MTU option to 1420. If that does not help, try lowering it, but keep in mind, that setting it too low could also cause some issues.

Let me know if that helps!

Kind Regards,


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