RUT950 modbus rx max 4GB

ModBus register for RX/day cannot be >4GB. It will reset to zero after that.
Running firmware 7.06.10

This happened few years earlier as well; was quickly fixed after I reported it.

Is there still support from Teltonika on this forum?
A few years ago when I reported a bug or had a question it was quickly answered. Now for a week no reply at all.

Product code: RUT950002XXX
Firmware: RUT9_R_00.07.06.10


Apologies for the delayed response. Could you please share the link to the previous post where this issue occurred? It would greatly assist us in tracking and logging this problem.

Best regards,

That was a few years (2?) ago while still on the previous forum. I’ve looked but can’t find it. There were no tech details shared, just that it was forwarded to R&D or development.

After long search:

Somewhere between mentioned versions it was fixed but now back again.


Thank you for your input. I’ve let our R&D department know about the issues you’ve raised. We’ll look into this and update you as soon as we have any solid information.

Best regards,


This problem is related to other Modbus functionality issues and is currently being fixed. It should be resolved with upcoming firmware releases.

Best regards,

Hi @EdKok,

I have firmware with this issue fixed. I can share it on a separate platform. Instructions for accessing it have been sent to the email you registered for this forum.

Best regards,

@Marijus Thanks for the e-mail, but the link in that e-mail asks for a support ID.
Will this new firmware be released anyway anytime soon? This topic will be closed soon, then what? Is this download an experimental version that will possibly jeopardy stability?


Yes, this fix will be included in the next firmware update for the RUT950. The version I shared with you is not experimental; it’s the same as the current firmware version with a minor fix. There shouldn’t be any issues, but if you encounter any, please inform us.

Support ID is this number:

2024-04-25-09-33-31-RUT950 modbus rx max 4GB - Teltonika Networks - Teltonika Community — Mozilla Fi

Best regards,

I’ve installed it last Friday but it didn’t solve anything.
The graphical real time graphs for mobile usage are correct, although it still doesn’t show the date on any of te pages. But when looking via modbus client and querying RX the figure is different and wrong.

Today’s usage *: 21.11 GB

Modbus output: Request successful, result:

Reported in bytes, so about 3GB and not the 20 it should be.

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