RUT241 wi-fi mesh node cannot resolve hostnames

Hi! I am just starting to learn about networks and IoT architectures so I could have missed a few things. My goal is to create a wi-fi mesh between 2 router RUT241. One should work as a gateway, connecting to the internet via mobile and the other should work as a mesh node, but still be capable of connecting to the internet.

I have achived this only partially: the gateway connects to the internet without any problem and is reacheble from remote by RMS. The wi-fi mesh is operational because I can ping both the RUT241 connecting to the mesh. I can also confirm that the router “see” eachother from the WebUI → Status → Network → Topology and scan LAN.

Still, the node cannot connect to RMS (failed to resolve hostname). I have tried to setup the DNS directly on the node but nothing changes. I have also tried to use DHCP option 6 on the gateway in order to pass to the node, but it still cannot resolve hostnames.

Some more information:
Both the gateway and the node have static LAN IP addresses. I prefer this way in order to keep track of the devices and also it simplifies connection with VPN

I can reach the node with RMS remote connect, I simply autoscan the gateway and I see the node.

Using an older firmware version I resolved this issue by appling DNS to all interfaces of the node (LAN, WAN).

I don’t care about giving internet connectivity to clients that connect to the mesh (for example: laptops, smartphones). The purpose of this project is to send on a server measurment from various devices, so I need internet connectivity only for connecting the router to RMS

Best regards


We have recently updated the wireless mesh configuration example. I recommend following all the instructions provided on our wiki page: Wireless Mesh Configuration Example to see if it resolves the issue.

Please let me know how it goes!

Best regards,

Hi Marija,

thanks for your support.

I’ve tried to configure the routers following the example in Teltonika wiki and it works at LAN level: I can ping the routers when I connect to the mesh wi-fi, but it doesn’t resolve the internet connectivity problem on the node. Also, if I check the DNS (Network–>DNS) I see no inherited DNS from LAN.

For now I have found a workaround: I connect the node as a client to the gateway access point. This way the node inherits a DNS from WAN and then it can resolve the hostname for RMS connectivity. In order to avoid IP conflict with the instruments connected to the routers LAN port I set static leases on the gateway

Although this solution works I find it somewhat farfetched. What can I do in order to “pass” the DNS via LAN from the gateway to the nodes?

Best regards,


Hi Marija,

I found the example doesn’t work properly. Please find the details in below link.

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