Got a similar case here. I just changed the Mode from Advanced to Basic. Then I went to Networks → LAN → Pencil Icon → Then I turn on WAN as LAN → Lastly, I clicked Save and Apply.
Thanks for the help and the information.
Yes, that really helped. Thank you very much.
But it is totally not clear to me why this switch is not also on the “advanced” version.
Another question that came up now today.
Suddenly sometimes I can’t connect to the router via openVPN.
The browser wants to connect, but at the end I get a white page.
It is a complete mystery to me why this is happening. Like the router is overloaded.
Do you also have to add a rule (port forwarding) in the firewall for access to the router itself?
Like this for example:
its good to know that you have resolved WAN_2_LAN issue.
Indeed, you are correct there is CPU saturation issue.
I also confirm that I observer hanging WebUI after upgrading to 7.05, but with 7.4.5 didn’t see such problems. It may looks like during setting up HTTP session router is breaking connection, its hard for me to say exactly.
With port-forwarding rules, it makes sense that you add it to the router, in order to have access via VPN Tunnel. Additionally, make sure you have reverse-routing in routing table for subnet you are connecting from.
The firmware for RUT240 can be downloaded from here. Just scroll down and you will be able to find it (under changelog, click on the firmware version):
Do you get this error when accessing WebUI via OpenVPN, locally, or in both cases?
If you have OpenVPN client/server configured on RUT240, there should be no need to create port-forwarding rules to access the WebUI.
Could you please share your OpenVPN configurations, as well as routes (Status → Routes → Static → IPv4-Routes table) and firewall zones (Network → Firewall → General settings → Zones sections). Before sharing this information, make sure to hide any sensitive information, such as public IP addresses, passwords, etc.
I have this effect only via VPN. But I think, this is an effect if I also access the admin-area local.
I disconnected my notebook from the LAN-Posrt for about 3 days. Then I tried to connect from openVPN all the dys once or twice. In every case, it worked!