i don’t have a solution for my problem.
Sry for my delay answer.
I was not at the work.
The TELTONIKA was POWER ON for nearly two weeks.
I did nothing.
Than it was available. I could connect me with the device.
I did a Firmware Update.
Now the Device ist again not available.
I would be very happy, if you help me.
Thank you.
I shared my Topic in the past.
“RUT 955 not available”
in the past i take Update about the Bootlader Menü to RUTXX_R_00.06.09.5.
How i wrote, after some days it was possible for me to login in the device.
In this Situation i did an update to the actual from the Firmware. The actual Version is not clear for me. The device managed himself, to the actual Firmware.
I try many different things with my device.
I did a Firmwareupdate about the bootloader menü in the past.
Base of my Study i see a long time with 100% CPU.
After a restart from the device, i don’t get an access.
My actual Situation.
The Device was more than 2 week with Power on.
I did nothing with the device in this 2 weeks.
Than it was possible for me to connect with the device.
I did an automatic Firmwareupdate.
After that the device was not available.
Now i open again the bootloader and i have access to the Firmwareupdate screen. Know, i am not sure what i should do.
i choose follow way.
I open the bootloader menü and try to do a Firmupdate from RUT9_R_00.07.06.11_WEBUI.bin to the same. My intention was to do a Firmware reset. It was not working “Checksume fail”.
I did a downgrade to RUT9XX_R_00.06.09.5_WEBUI.bin.
The DHCP from the Device are not working. I get only an access to the device, if i give my Notebook a manual IP. But the DHCP from the RUT are active.
I would prefer at the moment to take a Power OFF / ON from the TELTONIKA. But by the last time, i did it, it was not possible to get an access. And than i have to do again a bootloader menü reset.
Can you help me.
Is it helpful for you, if i send to you an backup?
From what I understand, you are not the first owner of the device and a colleague gave it to you. Could you check with them if the issues you’re experiencing existed before they handed it to you?
Additionally, the information you provided is a bit scattered. Could you describe the current state of the device more clearly? For example:
Does it power on?
Can you log in to it?
What firmware is it running?
What other issues are you experiencing with the device?
they had the problems from the beginnings.
That is the reason, why i get the device from him.
My colleague ask me for my help, because I have some experience with TELTONIKA Devices. The other device’s works without problems.
For clearity of the Situation.
-The power is on.
-The Device Firmware is 6.9.5.
-The Device is not available.
-My Problem with de device
–At the moment i can’t get a connection with the device.
—Base of the Suggestion from my ticket before, i try my way with the bootloader menü. It was necessary to give my notebook a manual IP, because the TELTONIKA DHCP was not working. After that i could open the bootloader menü. It was not possible to take a Firmwareupdate to an higher Version. (Checksum error). I installed again a Version 6.9.5. After that i could login. After the next power off, than the connection to the device is not possible.
I hope i could give you an clear feedback of the situation.