RUT 955 not available


i get a Device back from a colleague.
The Device are not available about the LAN cable and the Wifi.
I try it about the LAN-Port. I try all of the LAN ports.
I use the right antenna at the right place.
Push the Reset Button to get the Default Settings are not work.

I need you help on this point.
It will not works.

How i did the default settings?

  • I start the TELTONIKA and push the Reset Button more than 12seconds. During the time, the lights from the Signal increase and after that all of the lights go off.

I will be happy, you can help me.
Thank you for you Support.


It’s good to hear that you’ve attempted a factory reset. However, considering the device was previously used by another person, it’s possible that the reset procedure may have been altered. In such cases, I recommend trying to access the Bootloader menu, which provides additional recovery options. You can find instructions for accessing the Bootloader menu here: RUT955 Device Recovery Options - Bootloader menu.

I hope this helps resolve the issue! Let me know if you need further assistance.

Best Regards,

Dear Marija,

thank you for you help.
It was possible to login in the device for one time.
For nearly 3 Min i get a 100% CPU Load (RAM25%, FLASH 17%).
Now the connection is again not possible.

You write in you answer about the Bootloader Menü.
In the uboot Menü it was necessary to upload a data.
I don’t find it in you online manual.
I load the RUTXX_R_00.06.09.5 inside the device.
Was it wrong?

Thank you for you help!

Via the bootloader menu, please upload a firmware file. If your device only supports legacy firmware versions, please upload the latest legacy version, RUT9XX_R_00.06.09.5. You can download it from here: RUT955 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki.

Please keep me updated on your progress!

Best Regards,

i uploaded this Version in my device.


Thank you for confirming that. So, after you uploaded the firmware via the Bootloader menu, the device was accessible for a few minutes, but it became inaccessible again afterward? Did you make any configuration changes while it was accessible, or did you simply log in and that was it?

Best Regards,