RMS Portal - Devices offline

Good day

We have 130 teltonikas offline. I see a lot of threads with the same issue. Please give us an update urgently, so we can revert it back to our customers.

kind regards,

Leon Lourens
082 820 7944
Octopi Smart Solutions

Good day,

As of the most recent update around 12 pm (GMT+2), the device connection limit has been removed. Our developers are seeing significant improvements in connection stability. Could you please check if your devices have started re-connecting to RMS?

Best regards,

Hi Martynas

No improvement at all, we are still at 128 devices offline.

kind regards,

Leon Lourens
082 820 7944


Earlier today, we implemented another update that is meant to solve the initial connection issue. Devices should now connect to the system as usual. Any instances of devices not connecting to the system needs to be analyzed and troubleshooted separately.

Please clarify, are your devices currently still not connecting to the system? Connection logs can be checked in the Device → View connection logs menu.

In cases where devices still have trouble connecting to RMS, further troubleshooting steps may help resolve the issue:

  1. For remote devices having a mobile internet connection, try sending these SMS commands:
  • To check the current RMS status: <admin password> rms_status;
  • To restart the RMS connection: <admin password> rms_off; wait a few seconds, then send <admin password> rms_on;
  • To initiate a connection to RMS: <admin password> rms_connect;
  1. Alternatively, if the device WebUI is reachable, the above steps can be executed there:
  • Navigate to Services → Cloud Solutions, then click Disable → Save & Apply. After a few seconds, click Enable → Save & Apply → Connect.
  • Or, you can use the CLI to restart RMS services with the following command:
    /etc/init.d/rms_mqtt restart

If these steps do not resolve the issue, further troubleshooting may be required. For this, I’ve sent you a form to complete. Please use Ticket ID: 10225 when filling it out. Once submitted, we’ll reach out to you directly to assist with troubleshooting in more detail.

Best regards,


I have logged the ticket but no feedback.

We are having 135 devices offline this morning. This is becoming a huge problem.

Kind regards,

Leon Lourens

Hello Leon,

Please try forcing the connection from the device to the RMS instead of waiting for the device to make an automatic connection attempt:

For: FW 07.x (RutOS)

  • If the device is accessible physically, login to the WebUI, and Navigate to Cloud Solutions → RMS. And click “Connect”.
  • Or send an SMS command to force reconnection: “ rms_connect” and wait for a minute. More about sending SMS commands: RUT950 Mobile Utilities - Teltonika Networks Wiki

For: FW 06.x (Legacy)

You may need to send multiple reconnection commands for the device to become online.

After doing the mentioned actions, please tell us if the situation changes.

Best regards

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