Problem with RUT200 and IMSI switching


we are facing problems with the LTE connectivity of our RUT200. All of our RUT200s have a quectel EC200A-EU modem installed.
We are using iot-sim-cards from emnify, wich have multiple IMSIs to support a worldwide connection. To connect to one of the available Networks, a IMSI switch needs to be performed by the modem.
One of our modems handles this IMSI switch properly and it’s LTE connection is working and stable. Others are not. Two articles explaining IMSI switch [1][2] mentioned that the modem may need more time to perform this switch.

All RUT200 have been running the same Teltonika Firmware (RUT2M_R_00.07.04.5). I updated one ‘broken’ RUT200 to RUT2M_R_00.07.05.4, but that did not fix the issue.

I have following questions:

  1. how long does Teltonika wait after an disconnect before the modem is rest (or a reconnect is triggered)? The SIM card needs about 300 sec for the IMSI switch & automatic reconnect[1].

  2. I saw that my EC200A-EU modems have different firmware versions (EC200AEUHAR01A10M16 vs EC200AEUHAR01A05M16). Sadly the quectel support is not willing to provide me with an firmware file since I did not bought the modem directly. So if there is a chance that the firmware update will help, could Teltonika please provide me with the firmware update files?

Any ideas how to debug & fix this issue?

[2] Super SIM’s Multi-IMSI Applet | Twilio


In order to resolve the issue that you are currently experiencing, additional provision of further confidential details is required. Hence, it is recommended that you reach out to your designated sales manager or the reseller from whom you acquired the device in question. They will be able to assist you in addressing this matter more effectively. If neither of those options are available, please fill out the Contact Us form here: Teltonika Networks - LTE Routers, Gateways & Modems for IoT
From the information available, it’s hard to say whether this is a limitation of the modem itself, or the firmware version. Once you get in contact with us privately, we will investigate the issue further.

Best regards,

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