Monitor Car Battery Power Supply 12v with RUT955 (continued)

This is the continuation of ongoing thread " Monitor Car Battery Power Supply 12v with RUT955"

@Janmiguel I would love to upgrade. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be possible. Teltonika manufactured and sold two different builds of the 955 (the original one, and then a revision). The original 955 build cannot be updated further than my current firmware and is stuck on “legacy”. I didn’t know about the difference at the time of purchase, they also both have identical model numbers, which is pretty maddening. I mean, why do we have all these numbers if not for informing about crucial differences in device capabilities in the first place?

Hi gorfreed.

I am sorry to hear that from you.

But then again, if the analog input pins are not connected to anything, it should not read any values. Have you tried it on a fresh configuration?


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