“Invalid date” on real-time stats



Have you tried clearing your browser’s cache and/or using a different browser? Is the “Invalid date” error still showing up?

Best regards,

Today from a totally different PC exact the same:

But what is far more irritating is in:

I need to trigger a script on modbus query but looks like a bug creeped in on the size of the register. Used to work few months ago just fine.
Even in the web-UI “Services” → “Modbus” → “Modbus TCP client” it can be tested; showing low amount because of roll-over after 4GB.


Could you please check if any other Realtime data is displayed as “Invalid date” or any other unintended text?

Additionally, have you synced your RUT950 time with your browser?

Best regards,

I have the „Invalid Date“ problem since months on a RUT955, latest firmware, German language. The problem shows on any of my Apple devices (iphone, ipad, Intel-Mac) with Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Restart, change of language etc. didn’t work. Any idea, how to fix the bug?

I reported this a few months ago. I was informed that it was a known issue that would be fixed in a big future 07.07 firmware update. Something to do with how the routers OS handles different date formats around the world.

The order that text messages are listed is also incorrect.

Hello @akwe-xavante and @SaniTlt ,

Version 7.7 is now available for some devices. Have you tried updating and checking if there are no more issues with real-time data representation?

Best regards,

Hey @akwe-xavante,

The SMS message ordering issue has been fixed with the 7.07 firmware update.

Best regards,

Thank you @Marijus ,

Not yet available for the RUTX50 it would seem.


It got delayed for RUTX series devices, but don’t worry it will be released soon.

Kind regards,

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