Downgrade of TRB140 fails, device bricked


I have been using a lot of TRB140 devices. Recently I bought another 50 of them.
The received devices are shipped with software TRB1_R_00.07.04.5, and it is the hardware with the default user/pass of admin / admin01.

For specific reasons my install base runs on software TRB1_R_00.07.02.1_WEBUI.bin

When executing a downgrade, either over GUI or CLI, the device gets bricked. after reboot the reception LEDs will just blink, that’s it. No connectivity over the ethernet port.

I have tried to reset the device with the reset pin, did not work.
I also have tried to flash the device over the USB port with the following:

system:platform-tools myuser$ ./fastboot flash rootfs_a /Users/myuser/Downloads/TRB_Fastboot_ADB/rootfs.ubi
Sending ‘rootfs_a’ (22784 KB) OKAY [ 0.720s]
Writing ‘rootfs_a’ OKAY [ 8.618s]
Finished. Total time: 9.372s
system:platform-tools myuser$ ./fastboot flash rootfs_b /Users/myuser/Downloads/TRB_Fastboot_ADB/rootfs.ubi
Sending ‘rootfs_b’ (22784 KB) OKAY [ 0.721s]
Writing ‘rootfs_b’ OKAY [ 8.547s]
Finished. Total time: 9.300s
system:platform-tools myuser$
Following a reboot, leading to the same result. Just the LEDs blinking, no activity on the ethernet port.

I have found previous Topic of TRB140 Failed Firmware Downgrade and Bricked but the specific file ‘rootfs.ubi’ download link is not available anymore. maybe the ‘rootfs.ubi’ I am using is incorrect…

in short:
Does anyone has advice on how to fix, or is this even fixable?
And in the extend, is the downgrade step I am executing not allowed?

I have now three bricked devices and am very hesitant to downgrade more devices…

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Depending on your device’s product code required file might differ. To check It you should execute this command:

mnf_info -n

Please provide output to this command. And I’ll be able to provide the correct file for your TRB140.

However, you most likely will not be able to downgrade the firmware in the end, as there has been a hardware change in TRB140, and the older firmware does not support the new hardware. I’d consider moving to 07.03.4 or newer versions.

Best regards,


Thank you for the information. I was not able yet to retrieve the output of ‘mnf_info -n’ due to my system not discovering the devices.

My hardware is the TRB140 V3.0, any change you can supply the correct file based on this information?


Since you mentioned purchasing multiple identical devices, please check the working ones for the same manufacturer information (mnf_info). I’ll send you the required file through a separate platform. Instructions for accessing it have been sent to the email you registered for this forum.

Best regards,


thanks for the quick response. I just filled out the form. The information of a still operational device:

root@TRB140:~# mnf_info -n
mnf_info -n
root@TRB140:~# mnf_info -H
mnf_info -H


I have sent you the required files.

Best regards,

Hi Marijus,

Thank you for the files, If I look at TRB141 Device Not Accessible After Firmware Upgrade - Crowd Support Forum | Teltonika Networks

It is clear what to do with the rootfs.ubi , can you share where I need to copy the kernel.img?

Thank you!


Here is a complete list of the commands that need to be executed:

fastboot erase boot_a
fastboot erase boot_b
fastboot erase rootfs_a
fastboot erase rootfs_b
fastboot flash boot_a /path/to/kernel.img
fastboot flash boot_b /path/to/kernel.img
fastboot flash rootfs_a /path/to/rootfs.ubi
fastboot flash rootfs_b /path/to/rootfs.ubi

Best regards,

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Hi Marijus,

Awesome, got all devices up and running again.
Thank you again for the quick response and help.


I’m glad it helped you. If you encounter any other issues with our products, you can always reach out again.

Best regards,

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