AdGuard on RUTM10

HI all,

I am trying to set up adguard on my RUTM10, I have installed adguard as outlined in this post:

When setting up the DNS server in adguard I am getting the error “validating ports: listen tcp bind: address already in use”, I know this means there is already a DNS server running on port 53. I am new to openWRT and RUT and have done much research but cannot figure out how to release port 53 so that I can use it for adguard. In the DNS settings in the RUTM10 GUI it says Inherited DNS servers from wan (wan connected to my ISP router). Tailscale is also running on this RUT if that makes any difference.

Any help in getting this sorted out would be greatly appreciated.


Edit /etc/config/dhcp, set the port to 5353 (option port ‘5353’ in section “config dnsmasq”.

In the adguardhome config set the upstream and ptr servers to

Restart dnsmasq with /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart.


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Thanks flebourse,

Have adguard set up, test upstreams on the DNS settings works successfully.

my /etc/config/dhcp doesn’t contain an option port and if I add it and restart I cannot access websites and the requests do not hit adguard dns, if I remove the option port from the file it works again but obviously no adguard. Am I missing something?

I will continue to persist and see if I can figure it out.


My /etc/config/dhcp:

config dnsmasq
        option expandhosts '1'
        option authoritative '1'
        option readethers '1'
        option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
        option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.d/'
        option ednspacket_max '1232'
        option rebind_protection '0'
        option confdir '/tmp/dnsmasq.d'
        option port '5353'
        option localservice '0'
        option domainneeded '1'
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And of course you must set adguard to listen on port 53.

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Ah thanks I was just being silly and set it to 5353, all sorted now I just changed it.
Thanks you so much!

Beware. If you want to upgrade the firmware stop and disable adguardhome first, and restore the original config of dnsmasq (port 53)) else you will not be able to reload the optional packages after the reboot.