Zerotier No Access to Wired LAN

RUTM50 configured with a ZeroTier VPN connection per the wiki (ZeroTier Configuration - Teltonika Networks Wiki) to make entire local subnet accessible to other ZeroTier nodes. I can successfully connect to devices that are on connected to the WLAN of the RUTM50. I am able to connecto the WBM of the RUTM50 from other nodes using the local IP address. I am unable to access devices that or on the hardwired LAN ports of the RUTM50.

Verfied that the end devices have no firewall enabled that would prevent access.

Hi rckalex,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

I tried to recreate your topology but I was not able to replicate the issue. Since, WLAN and LAN is in the same subnet, then you should be able to ping it from other nodes as well. When connecting a device on wired LAN, are you able to ping it from the router? Make sure to double check the IP added in the managed routes.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Janmiguel,

Thank you!

Oddly enough the issue resolved itself after the unit was off overnight. I had tried multiple reboots yesterday but the behavior had not resolved itself then.

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