Why would you close a topic with current and on-going discussions?

To Teltonika tech support:

I had opened a topic–“RUTX11 Very poor wifi”–and there was an ongoing discussion. That topic was closed and i can no longer send replies. Why would you do that?

I had been reading that until it started to go sideways and was getting a little confused with some misunderstanding. Topics are obviously closed automatically after a set time and generally if there’s no solution by 15 days then things start to go around in circles and go nowhere. Open a fresh topic

I would also like to hear the logic around the 15 day automatic closing of topics, it just seems crazy to me. Unless your problem is solved within those 15 days, it makes it really difficult to provide solutions at a later date that will benefit anyone who happens to stumble across the topic weeks/months/years later. That person will also have to sift through multiple topics on the same question if our only option is to create a new topic every 15 days…

This topic was automatically closed after 15 days. New replies are no longer allowed.