I just purchased a RUT956 in order to test its suitability in a robotic system of which we’re starting production.
The product description and datasheet looked promising, but now that I have the device I’m disappointment in the lack of documentation.
The “documentation” on these devices seems to exist of a basic explanation per topic in the UI and some configuration examples.
What I don’t find is a thorough explanation on the underlying working.
One example…
I’m trying to set up the WAN port as part of the LAN, and a DHCP server on that part of the network and the cellular behind a NAT.
When trying to find how to do that, I find WAN as LAN where towards the bottom of the page, you’re instructed to add eth1 as an interface besides eth0.1.
So then, what is eth0.1 ? Is that related to the physical port LAN1? Maybe. Adding eth0.2 doesn’t give an error but doesn’t seem to do what I expect it to do, so maybe not. Searching for eth0.1 on the website doesn’t seem to give any answers…
Information seems to be very much spread out between random forum posts from people having issues, which is not really what I’ve come to expect from a company with such a wide product portfolio. Maybe I’m just spoiled.
Am I missing something? Overlooked “the” manual somewhere?
The wiki example you mentioned does indeed provide the correct steps to set up WAN as part of the LAN. To clarify, on the RUT956, eth0.1 is the physical LAN interface associated with all LAN ports, while eth0.2 is the physical interface for the WAN port.
For your configuration:
You can find the DHCP server setup by navigating to Manual → Network → DHCP on the RUT956 wiki: RUT956 DHCP Configuration.
For mobile NAT mode, you can refer to Manual → Network → WAN: RUT956 WAN NAT Mode.
If you need further assistance or have additional questions, feel free to reach out.
@Martynas Thank you for your reply and the provided information.
I do agree some information is to be found in the manual, but what about things like the quote above? How is someone supposed to figure that out? Where do you find that information if you don’t work for Teltonika?
As a hobbyist I can spend time browsing forums and waiting for replies while searching for vital information. When I’m working I’ve come to expect to find this information in a manual.
In any case, I got so fed up during my first encounter with the RUT this morning that I’m postponing a second attempt to tomorrow. I’ll get back to you if I don’t succeed.
Hi @dieterv,
Teltonika equipment are business grade units so one will
need mor than basic, maybe even advanced knowledge
of networking stuff.
I however have to admit that due to the simplicity of configuration
(at least at first sight) and the reliability of the devices also novice
and home users are implementing these units.
That’s where the wiki and especially this forum comes into play.
Not just the (in most cases) very helpful staff of Teltonika itself
but also experienced users are here and are very willing to help.
So - try yourself, then ask questions, then learn.