Webfiltering TaskManager


i created this script to be deployed via task manager

I pushed it to all our devices, and created a success and fail tag dependent on the outcome
99% of the units returned a sucess tag

however I’m not seeing the list of all the blacklisted sites referenced via web filter > site blocking within each unit?

uci set hostblock.config.enabled=‘1’
uci set hostblock.config.mode=‘blacklist’

uci set hostblock.@block[0].id=‘.anonymous’
uci set hostblock.@block[0].enabled=‘1’
uci set hostblock.@block[0].host=‘netflix.com,youtube.com,spotify.com,twitch.tv,facebook.com,instagram.com,disneyplus.com,hulu.com,amazon.com,primevideo.com,apple.com,appletv.com,crunchyroll.com,hbo.com,hbomax.com,peacocktv.com,paramountplus.com,showtime.com,starz.com

uci set hostblock.@block[1].id=‘.anonymous2’
uci set hostblock.@block[1].enabled=‘1’
uci set hostblock.@block[1].host=‘twitter.com,linkedin.com,pinterest.com,reddit.com,tumblr.com,snapchat.com,tiktok.com,vimeo.com,dailymotion.com,imdb.com,rottentomatoes.com,metacritic.com

uci commit hostblock
/etc/init.d/hostblock restart


Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, you cannot add all desired hostnames into a single hostblock element. Instead, each hostname you wish to block must be specified in a separate hostblock element. Below is the proper set of commands that need to be executed via Task Manager:

uci add hostblock block
uci set hostblock.@block[0].host=www.youtube.com
uci set hostblock.@block[0].enabled=1
uci add hostblock block
uci set hostblock.@block[1].host=www.netflix.com
uci set hostblock.@block[1].enabled=1
uci add hostblock block
uci set hostblock.@block[2].host=www.spotify.com
uci set hostblock.@block[2].enabled=1 
# Repeat for other hostnames
uci set hostblock.config.enabled=1
uci commit hostblock
/etc/init.d/hostblock restart

If you need further assistance or have additional questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,