Web API - suggestions and questions (for RUTX50)


I am using your web API (https://developers.teltonika-networks.com/) for RUTX50.


When I use /modems/status, I’m missing WAN IP and APN info. Can you add the WAN IP and APN info?

Currently I get the APN from /modems/apns/status and the WAN IP from /speedtest/status


  1. Is it possible to get live traffic from mob1s1a1?
  2. I noticed that the /modems/status API refresh time is 10 seconds. Is it possible to reduce the refresh time, eg 5 seconds?
  3. At /modems/status, can MIMO info be added? I currently retrieve it via AT command lte_mimo_info and nr5g_mimo_info

Thanks :slight_smile:

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