Warranty on TRB500

I bought a trb500 in july from amazon.de sold and dispatched by them. However the device was dead-on-arrival, only light on the device was the power light, also no reaction to reset, only light on is power light. I then sent a message through the teltonika contact form which the amazon support page leads to. After almost six weeks there has been no answer.

How do i proceed from here?

Normally in the EU your one and only contact for things like this is the place where you bought it, in this case amazon, not the manufacturer.

Wenn du was bei Amazon kaufst und direkt nach dem Auspacken feststellst, dass das Teil DOA (dead on arrival) ist, dann musst du die Hotline anrufen - die sind immer super kompetent und zuvorkommend.
6 Wochen auf eine Reaktion von Teltonika zu warten ist Quatsch - zumal Teltonika selbst 100%ig nicht der eigentliche Verkäufer über Amazon.de war.

Hier kann die keiner weiterhelfen jetzt.
Ich kann dir nur raten, jetzt schleunigst die Amazon-Hotline anzurufen, dein Problem zu schildern und um eine RMA-Ausnahme zu bitten.
Good luck!

the amazon.de portal directs me to contact Teltonika via Teltonika website if I want to return the device. It is not uncommon for the manufacturer directly address warranty claims instead of seller, for example Samsung Display is one. Clearly this non-existent customer service from Teltonika is unacceptable. Also it is not uncommon for these contact forms to be broken and not work.

Hi @fheinonen,
as both @TeWe and @r.janssen mentioned:
NOT Teltonika is your contract partner but the
respectice seller in the Amazon Marketplace.
Nevertheless contact the hotline ASAP and try
to get an “exceptional RMA”.

(if its not already too late)

Timelapse Admin

I successfully got a return label from amazon. It looks like the chat and hotline are behind a dark UI pattern. Once i found it was easy to get a return label. I had completely missed the I need more help link.

Even though I got this issue resolved. It begs the question. Why have a contact form on the Teltonika website if you are not going to answer any inquiries sent to them. That is exceptionally bad customer service. As a consumer there must be a working way to contact the manufacturer of the device

Glad to hear you managed.

But your complaint about a bad customer service at Teltonika I can absolutely not share.
Teltonika’s service is outstanding, see this Community, you get this very very rarely elsewhere.

If you buy a BMW from a dealer and you’re having issues with it - are you sending an email to ‘support@bmw.com’ as well asking for assistance? They probably also won’t even read your email and even if they did, they’ll point you back to the dealer where you bought the car.
As easy.

So I completely don’t understand your complaints and welcome to 2024 world of online shopping.
But this is how it works…

Again - happy to hear you managed with Amazon directly :+1:

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