USSD responses are truncated with latest firmware


I remotely support RUT240 and RUT950 routers and need to check credit status and/or load credit with USSD commands.

The providers offers a set of codes (e.g. *123*10#) and menu to get/set the required information. In my experience, the USSD reply have always been truncated, but I used to see most of the menu and only had to guess the last menu options. Since firmware 00.07.06 is getting worse and I only can read the first line, not enough to get the remaining credit for example.

Here is a screenshot from a phone:

And, this is how the same code result from the router

Since some menu require multiple sequential inputs and even some PIN code, the WebGUI is the most practical option.

Is there any buffer or timer that can be tuned to properly display the full reply ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

note: I’m currently testing with RUT240, FW RUT2_R_00.07.06


Our routers do not have any settings for USSD messages, as this service is solely controlled by your mobile carrier. However, I still have a suggestion you can try:

  1. SSH into your device.
  2. Enter the command in this syntax: gsmctl -U ‘*110#’ (*110# should be changed for your specific command).
  3. The output will be stored in the /tmp/ussd_<modem_usb> file.

This file may contain the full or longer USSD text string.

Best regards,


Thanks Marijus,

Unfortunately, this method also return a truncated output.

From a phone, the output contain a few lines, with menu option to navigate further.

E.g. if I need to reload my credit, I need to enter “*157#” then send “3” for a monthly bundle, yet another code for the specific bundle and finally enter a PIN code to validate the purchase.

Even if the SSH method would return the whole response (it does not) it would be very impractical to navigate the menu system.

It really looks to me like there is a buffer (or timer) issue that truncate the output.

Thanks anyway for helping.

Any other suggestion ?

Best regards,


We are currently investigating this issue. This may take some time. I’ll keep you informed once we have concrete updates.

Best regards,



Could you provide raw response from your device?

Instructions (use CLI):

  1. Disable these services:
  • /etc/init.d/gsmd stop
  • /etc/init.d/modem_trackd stop
  1. Connect to modem serial AT command console microcom /dev/ttyUSB2
  2. Execute AT command AT+CUSD=1,“<USSD_CODE>”,15
  3. Wait for response
  4. Copy the response and send to us.

Best regards,


Hi Marijus,

Thanks for helping, your command works and even though I had to type the AT command blindly, it still provide the following result:

+CREG: 1,“003A”,“0020D72”,2
+CGREG: 1,“003A”,“0020D72”,2
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,81,0,0
+CUSD: 1,"Welcome to MTN offers

  2. My Bundles
  3. MTN MoMo
  4. Voice & Data Bundles
  5. Communities
  6. Digital & SMS
  7. My Account
  8. Francais",15

+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,112,-114,-14
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,105,-107,-8
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,114,-114,-15
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,103,-107,-11
+QCSQ: “WCDMA”,103,-108,-8



Same router, same SIM, same operator, but from the WebUI:

P.S. Both time, I typed only the main entry menu “*123#”


Thank you for your prompt and thorough response. This will be incredibly helpful! I have already shared the information with the R&D department. We will now start working on it.

Kind regards,


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Hi @MDuperrier ,

Our team already has a test firmware. Here’s the link to it: Test Firmware. Please try it and report whether the issue is fixed. Initially, test it on a single device; refrain from considering it as fully tried and tested software. This fix will be incorporated into the next firmware version.

Kind regards,


Hi Marijus,

Thanks for that test firmware. Unfortunately I’m not able to confirm if it solve the issue.

I have been able to upgrade the firmware without any issue, but since then and even after 2 extra manual reboot the symptoms are the followings:

  1. the CPU is reported as 100% and navigating the interface is slow
  2. the modem never connected again (State registered 4G, Data disconnected)
  3. When I enter the *123# in the GUI to send USSD, it wait approx 30 sec and then briefly display a red “Failled to send USSD code” before logging out the session
  4. The command line gsmctl -U ‘*123#’ retur ‘Ok’, but do not produce an ussd file in /tmp/

Thanks to advise on the next step, I might have to revert the firmware.


Thank you for share with us.

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Hi @MDuperrier ,

It seems that a troubleshoot file is required. Due to the sensitive information it contains, please reach out to us directly through the “Contact Us” form on

Inside form attach the troubleshoot file and the link provided for the crowd case, with Marijus from networking support as recipient.

Best regards,


Thanks, I have generated the troubleshooting file and tried to share but the ‘contact us’ form I have found does not allow to send files.
In between test, I’m switching back to version 07.06.3 as I need to connection to be up.


Hi @MDuperrier ,

I have a new test firmware available at this link: Test Firmware.

Could you please try using this one?

Best regards, Marijus

Hi Marijus,

Many thanks, this firmware does fix the issue with multi-line USSD response, this is great.

I have been able to enter multiple codes and navigate the ‘menu’ structure to check my balance and purchase additional credit.

The CPU usage is also normal. My only issue so far with this test firmware are my installed package are now pending in a queue !

I assume this is a side effect and that it will not appear in the release firmware.

Thanks again for the USSD fix and best regards,


Don’t worry about other minor issues; this test firmware specifically addresses the fixed USSD issue. Everything should be in order in the new release. I’m glad to be of help to you.

Kind regards,


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