Unable to whitelist domains using web filter for Hotspot network

I have the following requirement for setting up my RUTC50 device.

  1. We want wi-fi users to login as Guest/Trial users to access the wifi connection.
  2. Ensure that they are only given access for 30 minutes
  3. Limit the usage only for certain websites (whitelist only certain domains)

Firmware version: RUTC_R_00.07.11.2
Firmware build date: 2024-12-05 20:43:07
Kernel version: 5.15.167
Internal modem firmware version: RG520NEBDCR03A04M4G_01.200.01.200

Setup outline:

  1. I have 5G sim setup in SIM 1 slot
  2. I have the following connection Wireless SSID
    • RUT 2.4G
    • RUT 5G
  3. We configured the Hotspot using the following steps:
    • Services ->Hotspot
    • I selected interface as RUT 5G
    • Hotpsot network :
    • Ip address: Hotpsot network :
      I have setup according to the following document: RUTX50 Hotspot - Teltonika Networks Wiki
    • We enable trial access and assign it to a new group with 1800sec timelimit

Checks that i have done:
With the setup outline, i manage to join the RUT 5G as a trial user and browse the internet normally. Setup of the Hotspot is working fine.

For requirement 3 where we have to “Limit the usage only for certain websites (whitelist only certain domains)”
I have implemented Web Filter → Site Blocking

  • Enable site blocking settings
  • Mode: Allowlist
  • Network : Hotspot
    Hostname list
    *.google.com → enable
    *.gstatic.com → enable
    *.youtube.com → enable

I have clicked save and apply button. Waited for 5 min, rebooted device.
I used the following link for my guidance:

When i join the RUT 5G as a Trial user and browse the internet, all website are blocked. I cannot even access whitelisted hostname. All the sites are blocked when i attach it to the Hotspot Network.

Checks that i have done:

  • Connection to the hotspot was established.
  • The device is a new device and has not exceeded the time limit
  • I have followed all the troubleshooting guide in RUTX50_Web_Filter guide, none seems to be helpful for my case

[Other checks that i have done]
To ensure that my settings for the web filter is OK, i did connect to RUTC50 via a LAN cable and change the Network settings to “All LAN Interfaces”.
Web Filter → Site Blocking ->Network to “All LAN Interfaces”.
With this settings i am able to browse whitelisted hostname and all other website are blocked. It is working as expected.

I am wondering what am i doing wrong to block website connection for the hotspot connection? I hope someone can guide me on how can i configure it correctly as i have other RUTC50 devices to configure with the same setup.


Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

I’ve tested the behavior you described and can confirm that when Web Filter allow/block lists are enabled for the Hotspot network, all hostnames are blocked, including those on the allowlist. I’ve forwarded this information to our RnD team for further investigation.

I’ll get back to you as soon as I receive a response from them.

Kind regards,

Thank you for your response. Please do update me if you have heard from your R&D team as i have 20 RUTC50 to configure.

Appreciate the help


I have received an update from our RnD team. This issue is expected to be resolved in the upcoming 7.12 RutOS firmware release soon.

Kind regards,

Thank you for the update. Just so that i am able to communicate with my clients, may i know when is the 7.12 RutOS firmware release date?

Appreciate your kind help.

At this time, there is no exact release date for the 7.12 RutOS firmware, but it is anticipated to be released either this week or the upcoming week. Rest assured, the release is expected very soon.