I am trying to receive binary SMS using TRB141. The device which is sending the SMS has two modes:
Sending an test-SMS (text format)
Sending “normal” SMS (binary data using pdu)
I am able to receive the test SMS, but I can’t see any of those SMS containig binary data.
To check if this a provider issue, I used my smarphone to receive the binary SMS. This worked. (I just saw some cryptic stuff, because the binary data was not decoded).
Any suggestions?
Could you please specify which RutOS firmware version your device is running and the internal modem version installed? You can find this information in System → Firmware → Update firmware in the WebUI.
You mentioned testing the SIM card in your phone, where it worked as expected. If possible, could you try a different SIM card in your TRB141 to see if the results are the same? Please let me know how it goes. Thank you.
My Firmware is as follows:
Firmware version TRB1_R_00.07.11.3
Firmware build date 2024-12-13 12:30:11
Internal modem firmware version EC21EUGAR06A01M4G_OCPU_01.001.00.000
Kernel version 5.4.284
I figued out that I have to use Sim card storage to receive SMS and not the modem storage. I think this is because the conentet of the SMS is binary, and the Router/Modem is not able to encode the SMS and to transfer the massage to the modem storage.
The aim of my application, was to forward the SMS binary contet to a webserver using the SMS gateway funcionality, which is not working beacuse now the message "<encoding_not_supported> " is forwarded instead of the binay conentent.
I am able to see the the correct content using command the command line: gsmctl -A 'AT+CMGR=7' (where 7 is the SMS index).