TRB500 poor bridge connection speed vs. NAT mode


I have tested some Teltanoka 5G routers and all there is problem with bridge mode.

If I use modem NAT mode, I can get max speed about download over 600Mbps, but if I change that to Bridge mode download speed drops about 200Mbps.

Can someone help me?

I have second router and I wanna public IP for that.



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It’s the same thing with my trb 500. I got 900mbs with the iPhone in the exact same position as the router (the trb is connected with the newest poynting 5G antenna 4x4 MIMO)
But with the Teltonika I can reach at least 230mbs …

This is a known issue with the TRB500 gateway. That’s why I switched to the Amit IDG450 gateway, which has a similar design and is also based on a Quectel modem, but a newer one, the RM520N.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s in NAT or bridge mode, the speeds are the same, in my case 800-900 Mbps. With the TRB500, I never exceeded 200 Mbps in bridge mode.

I’ll also add that, just like with the TRB500, the Amit gateway doesn’t use an external processor but rather the one in the modem. Therefore, I believe the issue with the TRB500 is related to the software, not the hardware itself.

Yes, this has been brought up on the forum several times, and Teltonika sort of promised that they would look into it (but could not guarantee that something would be done about it).
There apparently is an issue with “acceleration” software that is supplied by the modem manufacturer.

I have also run into this problem, which is annoying as it is not advertised that this happens.

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Could you please specify which RutOS firmware version your TRB500 is operating on? If it is not the latest version, 7.10, please upgrade your device.

Additionally, what is the firmware version of the device’s modem?

If you haven’t already, please try rebooting the device and let me know if the speeds remain the same or if there is any increase or decrease.

Best regards,

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