It’s been a second year now of ups and downs with this modem. I have tried all 3 GSM providers with no success and in the end I have stayed with Telia (LT). I have cloud controlled router (TP Link Omada) and sometimes several times a day or night I get a message that the router is offline (and it is). It needs some time to restore, sometimes several minutes, sometimes half an hour. Another big thing is the internet speed which used to be 30-50 Mbps (yes, it’s 5G) and now it is usually 12-15Mbps.
After losing temper one day I found my old Huawei 4G modem and I’ve got better speeds with it.
I have tried moving the modem around the house, putting in different windows with no success and AFAIK it’s in the best possible side.
Considering outdoor antenna (which is not very installable in my case) but I’m not sure whether it is pure signal issue.
It’s like comparing apples and pears as my phone is with different provider, but right now I get 140 Mbps with 4G on the phone. 13Mbps on TRB500.
I’ve done firmware updates and soft and hard reboots numerous times, of course. Updated to the latest firmware today as well.
What should I do?