TRB500 freeze / data corrupted / backup failed?


I’ve been playing a lot with TRB500 and eventually it dies, usually after I have tested tens of different settings and more specific Wireguad VPN settings. I may have used the same setting before (like allowed IP’s in VPN), but then one time it just crashes.

I use 4G/5G only.

Symptoms in random order, one or multiple at the same time:

  • LAN devices DHCP lost. Modem up and running, can be used with fixed IP
  • Modem up, but no traffic going through, unknown reason
  • UI pages fail to open
  • TRB500 totally unresponsive, rebooting

Only way to proceed is to make factory reset with the button. UI request for reset doesn’t work.

Few screenshots from random situations when the unit is still almost alive…


Meantime I found that my backup cannot be restored. The above symptoms happened like 3 times in a single day, and I decided to restore freshly made backup to speed things up. “Failed to validate backup.” The file was made 10min earlier with freshly installed and set up unit when it was still fully functional. After factory reset, the same file is not valid for restore.


I have the troubleshooting files available, but most likely they contain confidential information about VPN. I can DM as needed.

Current firmware information

  • Firmware version


  • Firmware build date

2024-08-29 13:52:14

  • Internal modem firmware version


  • Kernel version


Just thinking - as the TRB has no Bootloader option to recover, does a CLI reset make any difference over the reset button maybe?
You wanna try?

TRB500 Device Recovery Options - Teltonika Networks Wiki

TeWe, I haven’t tried CLI reset. My main issue is the freezing / file corruption, reset is just workaround to get it back to life. Sometimes it cannot be reached even by CLI.

I can try it next time it freezes, it will come :wink:

Okay, I think it’s worth trying.

Next thing: firmware 07.09 is a .zero main version which I’d never go for in a productive environment as it might be too buggy yet. At least wait for .2 or .3 in the end. Teething problems should have gone then.
What happens if you go back to version 07.08.2?
No option for you?