TRB256 Port forwarding setup and IP address query

I have been persevering with this this afternoon and may have some further helpful information for tech support to assist with the issue.

Purpose of my setup is to forward data from my sensor via RS485 cable to the TRB256 to a backend script, set up remotely on a different network, that collects and saves data.

I am using the feature ‘Modbus TCP Over Serial Gateway’. My Modbus TCP client script, when the IP address is set to local,, collects information from the data processor and prints it into my script console. So I am happy that parameters e.g. bits, parity, slave ID are set correctly.

However, when changing the IP address in my client script to the public IP address of the sim and TRB 256, I don’t receive a response. I can confirm that the IP address and port are open and TCP test to this destination is successful. I can connect to the IP and port through my client script I just don’t receive any information. Note – I’m not using the SIM private IP address in any instance.

I am attempting to forward the ‘external’ port 502 to the ‘internal’ port 502, at in the webUI settings. For this reason I have the listener IP address in the ‘Modbus TCP Over Serial Gateway’ also set to I have also deleted all the firewall rules to avoid these blocking.

The device is set up in RMS but frustratingly it seems to timeout when I try and access the webUI remotely. Will I need to use a VPN to get this over the line? Or have I set up the system wrong?