I only want to use the gateway for SMS. I want to use an SMS to trigger a command via wget. This works so far.
Unfortunately, I always get the following error messages from the modem: “Mobile EMM reject cause: ESM failure” and “Mobile EMM reject cause: Requested service option not subscribed”.
Unfortunately, the SMS are not always delivered immediately. What could be the reason for this?
The error message “Mobile EMM reject cause: xxxxxx” means that your mobile carrier has rejected your request for certain services. This can happen if you are not subscribed to those services or if some settings are incorrect.
The best solution is to contact your carrier for further assistance.
Best regards,
Thanks for the info. What services or settings could these be and why are SMS sometimes received with a time delay?
In a mobile phone, the SIM card works without problems
Delays are usually caused by issues with your mobile carrier, such as high network traffic or weak signal, rather than the device itself.
Best regards,
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