TRB145 MQTT Modbus Gateway ClientID

Hi All,

I am having an issue with connecting to my MQTT broker. My broker requires a specific client ID and for the MQTT Modbus Gateway settings I cannot use the “@” symbol. It seems that every other MQTT broker in the TRB145 allows it (MQTT Publish, data to server) as the field is a string where the MQTT Modbus Gateway is an integer. I believe this must be an oversight and I am hoping someone can resolve this.


It’s most probably just the UI that is keeping you from using your particular client ID. You can get around it by just editing the mosquitto.conf file manually on the device.
TO achieve that you have to ssh into the device

ssh root@<your TRB IP>

the password is the password of the admin account.
Then edit /etc/config/mosquitto accordingly and you should be fine.

Be aware that you cannot edit the settings on the UI anymore then, as you wouldn’t be able to save with your special client ID.

Best, DK