TRB143 Data to server WAN problem

Hello, I am using TRB143 to read data from MBus device and to send data to server with http. Everything works fine in LAN. But if i send data to our server or, it stops working. Could you tell me, what should i set to make this working also in WAN?

Hi there,

It seems that you’ve successfully sent “Data to server” MBus data to a server on LAN, but you’re experiencing issues when sending it to a server on the WAN. Am I correct?

To verify if the “Data to server” function is working properly, could you please try sending only “Base” information to either your server or This will help us determine if the problem lies with the “Data to server” service or if it’s specifically related to the MBus data.

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Best regards,

Yes, you are correct. Mbus is ok. I already tried this with “Base” and it didnt work. I think it could be something with LAN/WAN settings. I am not sure how should I set this. I want to bo cennected to network with cable through ethernet port.


Do you have a specific configuration like VPN or something similar? Because “Data to server” should work with default settings; just a data connection to the internet is necessary.

Does your device have a WAN source and can it reach the internet?

Best regards,

No specific configuration… source should be ok. I am using same source for RUT956. Connection between server and RUT956 is ok. RUT956 also works with


Could you please try factory resetting the TRB143 to ensure there’s no configuration interference?

Best regards,

I did few times already, but it didnt help. So there is nothing with WAN settings? Only what should I set is new static LAN ip address (different from other devices in LAN). Then i can set Data to server function, plug in device to source of internet and it should work? No other settings?


Sending data to the server service only requires an internet connection (to access the server) and the configurations you set up when initially creating the data-to-server instance (like data type and server address).

Best regards,

I changed these settings in LAN and WAN and it started to work. Could you explain me why?


These settings should be configured this way by default. I noticed you’re using the Ethernet port as the WAN port, which is an additional configuration. Typically, TRB devices use the mobile WAN as the WAN source.

How was it set up previously?

Best regards,

Yes, i wrote it in previous posts, that I am using it with ethernet port. Default WAN setting was for SIM. I knew that this was wrong, so i was trying to change this WAN settings. But i didnt know, that I have to set bridge.

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