TRB140 public ip not pinging

I have zero experience in networking systems,
I saw a video describing how easy to use TRB 140 to remotely access any device.
So i purchased 2 modems and 2 sim cards with public ip address and custom APN
Now i have inserted the sim and put the APN and it shows that it is connected and the assigned ip address from the provider is ok
My problem
When i try to ping the ip from another network it is not connected and i have searched too much of how to step by step configure the router to allow me to remote access the TRB with no success,
So please help


If your router has a public IP address, it should be reachable via pings using the default configuration. Are you sure you have a public IP address?

Please go to Network → WAN and check the IP address of your active mobile interface. The first two octets should be enough. It should look similar to this:

Best regards,

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