TRB140 Input/output activations not working together

TRB140: FW
Problem when combining 2 concurrent configurations for the Input/output activations**

  1. The Output does not react when triggered by the Input if the here under (2) daily activation is installed, ……while when it is not installed, the Output reacts correctly
  2. A daily (at 12:00) activation of the Output works correctly when configured in accordance with the file’s scripts here under, recommended by Daumantas – October 2023):

uci set ioman.dio1.value=1
uci commit ioman
/etc/init.d/ioman restart
exit 0

uci set ioman.dio1.value=0
uci commit ioman
/etc/init.d/ioman restart
exit 0

and crontabs files like these:
0 12 * * * /etc/ >/dev/null 2>1 #set the output to high
3 12 * * * /etc/ >/dev/null 2>1 #set the output to low

and execution rights like these:
chmod +rwx /etc/
chmod +rwx /etc/

In order to make both above configurations (daily activation of the Output, and triggered activation of that Output) compatible together, I guess I should had some script , but I do not know which one ? Can you advise ?
Thanks a lot for your attention.

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