Tinc vpn install error

When installing tinc there is a few annoying errors.

root@RUT200:~# opkg update
Downloading https://opkg.teltonika-networks.com/cae39d190f7bee8c37f6afa75cf67e68de303b74b1ca19d2b2f7ac5a11bdab85/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/tlt_packages
Downloading https://opkg.teltonika-networks.com/cae39d190f7bee8c37f6afa75cf67e68de303b74b1ca19d2b2f7ac5a11bdab85/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
root@RUT200:~# opkg install tinc
Installing tinc (1.0.36-3) to root...
Downloading https://opkg.teltonika-networks.com/cae39d190f7bee8c37f6afa75cf67e68de303b74b1ca19d2b2f7ac5a11bdab85/tinc_1.0.36-3_mipsel_24kc.ipk
Configuring tinc.
/etc/rc.common: line 119: can't create /tmp/tinc//tinc-up: nonexistent directory
chmod: /tmp/tinc//tinc-up: No such file or directory
/etc/rc.common: line 132: can't create /tmp/tinc//tinc-down: nonexistent directory
chmod: /tmp/tinc//tinc-down: No such file or directory

Firmware: RUT2M_R_00.07.08.2

I’ve managed to get in running anyway, but these errors are annoying.

Then install through System → Package Manager and you won’t see it? :slight_smile:

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