We are busy deploying a small fleet of RUT956 in a admitedly not very professional fashion and have found that our planned approach with Thingsboard as IOT platform provider is going very well due to lots of manual work required to get the Teltonika and Thingsboard systems to correctly communicate (bi directional MODBUS RCP via MQTT)
Is there a prefered or set of recommended IOT cloud platform providers that Teltonika fully supports for fast integration?
Teltonika offers its own platform called RMS (Remote Management System). It is an all-in-one, user-friendly IoT platform designed to simplify the management of your connected solutions. RMS provides powerful software for remote access and management of all connected Teltonika Networks devices, as well as third-party devices.
Many thanks for the response Marija.
I have looked at the many RMS setup youtube guides you have and connected a test device to RMS.
Unfortunately I don’t really get how I’m supposed to use this to manage the system behind the Teltonika Router → the Hardware connected to the PLC which communicates with the Teltonika RUT956 router via Modbus over the RS485 plug.
I do see there is a Beta feature for alerts which contains references to relays, but I can’t find any clear guide nor do I think this works with the modbus connections? I am also missing an option to send commands to relays.
This is all fine, I’m not expecting RMS to be able to do this as it seems primarily to be a very nice tool to manage and maintain the fleet of Teltonika devices, something we may want to do anyway, but could you let me know I my interpretation is correct or if I’m completely missing something and can use the RMS platform for managing our water treatment systems behind the Teltonika routers (With status display, tracking, alerting and options to interact, like triggering restarts or shutdowns)
If not, does Teltonika partner with any IOT platform that supports such features that you could recommend?