I try to implement a openVPN connection from a PC to the RUTX50. On PC I got openVPN GUI running.
Certification seems ok but I get a “bad encapsulation” error. Had this problem in another set-up too, so I need to change the tun-mtu parameters on .ovpn (client and server).
With ping -f -l I found the best MTU parameter with 1460. So I changed in client.ovpn tun-mtu to 1460.
But I can’t change in rutx50 server. In webUI there is no Parameter like mtu. I can change it in wan interface, but this is somehow overwritten all the time. I also tried to change the server.ovpn in CLI, but every time when I start the openvpn again, ist is resetted to 1500. In openvpn Server log you can read that it is setting the MTU value to 1500.
What am I missing? Any idea? Why is it not possible to change this in rutx50?
Thanks a lot for your help