Tailscale on RUT 956

I would be very grateful if some expert help us

I have (several) RUT956, 07.11.3, with USB expansion enabled with a USB thumbdrive, now i want to install and try Tailscale VPN, is there a way to force install the package via CLI considering it isn´t available via package manager?


Did look at this url?


I believe, it will be a start point.

Ops… I found a warning…

" The Tailscale VPN package is compatible exclusively with TRB1, TRB5, RUTX, and RUTM series devices. This is because Tailscale demands a larger amount of flash space, which surpasses the capacity available on our other devices. "

but… also found…

This post talk about tailscale supported by RUT956.

Yep, this is why i expanded flash memory with the USB drive

But at the same time i can´t find the package neither via package manager or downloadable on wiki, i tried one of the RUtx model, but was rejected by model

Thank you Marcelo, i appreciate your answer

I can see tailscale as package option for RUX12 ( RUTX_R_00.07.11.3 ) device:




Cannot have this package for RUT956.


Hello @rodrigobarrera ,

Unfortunately, the RUT956 does not support Tailscale. As Marcelo mentioned, the Tailscale VPN package is compatible exclusively with the TRB1, TRB5, RUTX, and RUTM series devices.

Best regards,