Switching TC65 to TRB255 with unitronics vision PLC


I have a question regarding the possibility of switching TC65 modem to a TRB255 modem without doing major changes to how the communication is set up now between PLC and SCADA.

Currently communication setup is like this:
Inside TC65 there is a Java script, which using specific unitronics protocol, in a specified interval is scanning the data from PLC and sending it to SCADA. There is also an additional ]DO signal from PLC to modem, which is initializing data sending after certain data changes occur.

The question then becomes is there a way to connect TRB255 and Unitronics PLC which uses full RS232 signal (Colleague suggested to use TRB142 instead) and also would it be possible to use the same Java script to maintain the same connection protocol. The closest possibility I saw would be to just change SCADA to use TCP protocol and use serial utilities, Over IP.

Thanks for help in advance.


Thank you for reaching out.

As you mentioned, theoretically it is possible to change your existing TC65 modem with TRB255 gateway by using serial data over IP functionality. However, the fact that you want to use Java script on Teltonika device complicates this change.
All Teltonika routers and gateways are running RUTOS. It is OpenWRT-based operating system, which is a Linux-based platform. It does not include support for Java applications, So you would not be able to use the same script that is on TC65. A custom script can be created, however, it must be written in Phyton or as ash script.

I hope this answers your question.

Kind regards.

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