Switch SIM manually by coding (C++/Python)

I am developing a robot that has a computer and a RUTX12 connected to each other via a wired LAN. I have inserted 2 SIM cards from 2 different Telecom Service Providers into the RUTX12.

Since there is 1 connection from the computer to the RUTX12, I see on the monitoring website that only 1 SIM works at a time. The SIM will be switched only f it completely loses data connection to the network. Sometimes the ping to the server increases but the Teltonica module does not switch the SIM card to the other.

The question is: Is there any coding method or API that I can use to switch the SIM card manually using a program (C++/Python) when I monitor that the ping to the server increases to a threshold? Is this switching process smooth enough to not disrupt the current connection to the Internet of our robot?

Looking forward to hearing from you!