Your page:
shows that the surface mounting kit:
is compatible with RutX10, RutX11 and TSW100.
I have all 3, but the Surface Mounting Kit PR5MEC12 is not compatible with my RutX10’s and TSW100.
For the surface mounting Kit to be usable,
the side of the device needs to be as in Teltonika’s youtube video,
The device needs to have a side slot at least 7.5mm wide.
See attached image for a snapshot from this video:
(hmm, no way to attach an image)
But while the side of my RutX11 does conform to this,
the side of my RutX10’s and TSW100 do not.
the groove on the side is very thin, approx 0.8mm wide
which is obviously much too narrow for the PR5MEC12.
See attached image of my RutX10 and an TSW100:
(hmm, no way to attach an image)
(Let me know if you want the images, and tell me how to provide them)
Do you sell different versions of the device in different geographic locations?
Mine were bought in Australia.
And do you have a different version of the surface mounting kit that would work with these devices?